Thursday, December 25, 2008
The scariest Christmas Present EVER!!!
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas, everyone!
Here's our version - and the first recording of Katie's first verbal words:
Monday, December 8, 2008
Update from the doctor...
Here's the current stats:
Height: 2'8" (90th percentile)
Weight: 24 lb, 12 oz. (75th percentile)
Head size: 48 cm (95th percentile)
The doctor noted that her weight is climbing up the chart a little, but since she only just started walking all the time about a week earlier, he wasn't worried at all, saying that her increased activity would more than take care of that.
And again, everyone marveled at her full head of hair, noting that it finally looks "normal" since she's getting bigger.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Look Who's Talking!
We immediately set out to teach her "please" in time for Thanksgiving, and her vocabulary has since grown to include about 5 or 6 signs that she makes regularly, even putting them together into sentences! Here's a short demonstration:
Saturday, November 8, 2008
when no helpful furniture or corners are available, she just hides her face with her hands...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!!
However, she was a MUCH more active participant this time - in fact, she was the one who gave almost every trick-or-treater their candy - anywhere from 1 to 5 candy bars (it all depended on what stayed in her fist after she plunged it into the candy bowl!)
She also visited her friends on the block and played in the leaves.
Many thanks to Grand-dad's foresight to snag the tiger costume during last year's post-holiday sales - even though she was not overly fond of the mittens and couldn't keep the hood up, she was plenty cozy warm and seemed to enjoy the outfit!
We got some good pictures, but the batteries in the camera died shortly after they were taken - hopefully, we'll get some from the neighbors soon!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Happy Birthday!!
We celebrated by inviting the family to the house for cupcakes and ice cream. They brought a ridiculous number of presents. Katie thoughtfully tested the cupcakes before anyone arrived by moving her rocking chair right up to the table and climbing up!
By the time we got to the part where she was SUPPOSED to have some cake, the excitement and the nap-free status of the day (we tried....) had caught up to her, so she took a short nap while everyone else had cake, and then finished opening the last couple of presents.
After everyone left, we cleaned up, took down the decorations, and played with new toys and the balloons. As a special treat for Mom and Dad, Katie figured out a brand-new trick....standing up all by herself without holding on to anything!
![]() |
From First Birthday! |
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The last day of summer vacation....
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Dinner with Aunt Shelly
So, we had a nice dinner with her at Grandma & Grandpa's house - someone took pictures, but it wasn't us (although we DID remember the camera...ah well).
Anyhow - here's what Aunt Shelly had to say:
While staying with Linda and Dave, this August Amy and Nark brought the sweetest, littlest dumpling you could ever imagine. (She looked just like Amy did around that age). Katie was walking-crawling around the house, of course most of it was on her head, tippy toes and her hands. All three touching at the same time. She was such a delight that she had every eye on her, at attention, to her every move. The most exciting was when she finally graciously allowed me to pick her up and carry her around for a few minutes. (Time it – it would have been minutes only). I walked her in my arms and we went to the outside porch to look at the water fall that her Grandfather is building. She laid her head on my shoulders and looked up at me with those beautiful big eyes and she whispered to me “I love you Aunt Shelly, you are my favorite Aunt”.
11 months old!

We can not believe how quickly this year has gone by! Katie is looking more and more like a little person every day. She's cruising like a pro - and often will stand and move with just the barest of support - any moment now, she's going to take off across the room and then the adventure will REALLY begin!
She's having more opportunities to interact and play with other children and animals, and other than a tendency to use anyone handy as a support for standing, she seems to be getting along with everyone.
We've started to plan her 1-year birthday party for the family and just finished her 1st year baby book - if you want to take a look, click on the link in the side menu.
Current stats: (measured at home)
weight - 21 pounds
height - 28 1/4 inches
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
vacation, all i ever wanted....
Some interesting things that happened:
-Katie met her great-Grandma Mary and played lots of peek-a-boo
-Katie met her great-uncles and aunt
-Katie's first airplane trips (went very well - little bit of tylenol for her ears, some carefully-timed nursing, and she napped through each trip)
-swimming in a pool
-playing in the ocean!
-we had lunch at The Breakers resort!
-lots of family bonding
all told a great time was had by all......
Friday, July 18, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
leavin' on a jet plane
But first - the first time on an airplane......

Friday, July 11, 2008
Stairway to Heaven?
Monday, July 7, 2008
10 months old!

- crawling all over everywhere
- pulling up to stand against furniture
- playing with refrigerator magnets, tupperware, and whatever else she can find
- eating all kinds of "big girl" food...even taking bites out of an apple herself!
- climbing stairs
- clapping
- playing peek-a-boo with any handy object
- waving bye-bye
- dancing by picking her feet up one at a time as well as with knee-bends
- walking with help (holding someone's hands)
- pointing
Mommy started working part-time away from home (yay summer school!), so we tried out the Katie-care plans with Uncle Steve and Granddad, and everything seems to be going swimmingly.
According to the bathroom scale, Katie weighs 19 pounds now, and she appears to be 28 inches long, though it's really hard to get her to stop wiggling long enough to get a good measurement!
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Yankee Doodle Baby

She made a new friend in her soon-to-be-cousin-in-law, Parker.
And enjoyed her first fireworks (pictures coming)...she liked them a lot, even with the loud bangs and booms!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Peek-a-boo! and other tricks

Saturday, June 7, 2008
9 months old!

- height: 28 1/2 inches (80th %ile)
- weight: 18 lbs, 1 oz. (40th %ile)
- head size: 46 cm (95th %ile)
- still a "tall skinny smart kid"
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
not so keen....
Katie is officially no longer toothless! After a long night with many tearful awakenings, her first two teeth have sprouted on her lower gum. The frozen chew toys are now among her favorite things....hopefully, she'll be willing to show them off in time for her well-child visit next week...
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
8 months old!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
bouncing baby girl
Monday, April 7, 2008
7 months old!

Friday, April 4, 2008
Yay for Vegetables!
The cereal (rice and oatmeal) was pretty much a bust - which isn't tastes like wallpaper paste! Her current favorites are squash and sweet potatoes. As soon as mommy has a nice little collection of jars, we're going to try making Katie-food at home!
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Happy Easter!
Monday, March 17, 2008
Katie Go Braugh
We haven't done the math yet, but Dad's a little over 1/2 Irish, and Mom's a little less than 1/2 Irish - so she comes by the wearin o' the green honestly!
Have a great day, everyone!
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tall, Skinny Smart Kid
Here are the current stats on our tall, skinny smart kid!
height - 27 inches (90th percentile)
weight - 15 lbs, 11 oz (50th percentile)
head circumphrence - 44 cm (90th percentile)
weight-to-length ratio - 10th percentile
She got a bunch of shots again and is sporting Bugs Bunny bandaids on both legs. She hollered for a little while but then settled down into a 2-hour nap (between the 9am appointment and the time change she lost a good bit of beauty rest last night) and now seems to be doing pretty well.
A lot of folks have asked what she thought of the big snow Cincinnati just got - she's still too little for playing in the snow but seemed interested in the few flakes that hit her face while traveling from the house to the car - just wait until next year, though!
Friday, March 7, 2008
6 months old!

This has been quite an exciting time - Katie is eating a "real" meal at least once a day with either Mom or Dad doing the honors (for a while it looked like Dad's left handed technique was the only one that was going to work....). We're pretty sure she's getting ready for another growth spurt - not only do the books say to expect it, but she's eating as though JoJo the tapeworm has moved in....of course the ...ahem... results of the dietary change are interesting - just ask Daddy, who got to do the "special" diaper change today!

Meanwhile, Katie has rolled over from her back to her belly a couple of times - the first time was a surprise when no one was watching, the most recent was with a rapt audience who cheered appropriately. She will purposefully grab for things she wants, even if it means moving something else out of the way first. Her vocalizations are getting much more elaborate as she squeaks, squeals and sings - sometimes up to a half an hour at a time.
Faces seem to hold a new fascination for Katie - she'll run her hands all over your nose, cheeks and mouth while you're holding her - pretending to nibble on her fingers is a sure way to get a giggle!
Of course, we'll do just about anything for one of those giggles, including playing peek-a-boo until we want to just hide under that blanket for the rest of the night :) Speaking of nights, the sleeping-through-the-night thing seems to be firmly established, including sleeping in most mornings!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
"God, that's good!"

"Solid," of course, is a relative term but describes her meal of reconstituted rice cereal as well as can be expected.

Although this picture might suggest otherwise, pretty much all of the first meal seems to have ended up inside her tummy.

Cleanup also went well.
There are many more pictures and even two videos in the 5-6 month section of the photo album - click on the link to the left and enjoy :)
p.s. those who get the title's allusion...we felt justified since her meal is partly of human origin...although more voluntary than in the song...... ;-)
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
stealth ninja tricks
Something like that! LOL!
Katie was happily playing on her floor-mat-gym-thing while Mom and Dad were reading on the couch - all of a sudden, we looked down and she was on her tummy!

no repeat performances yet, but unless Simon the Wonder Cat got involved (and he's not saying), our girl just hit another milestone :)
About a week ago, she rolled herself right off her changing table and scared Mom half to death (not to mention Dad, who was upstairs before he even realized that he was moving) - she's a quick little thing...and a little bit sneaky.
We also had our first sickness when she woke up at 4am with that horrible barking croup-cough. Fortunately it went away almost as quickly as it started, and we got to meet another of the pediatricians at the practice. We also learned a little bit about giving medicine to a baby - definitely one of those things you don't appreciate until you experience it first-hand LOL!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Learning every day...

Katie is learning more and more about manipulating her environment - already she's getting more interested in the gee-gaws on her exersaucer (not to mention looking adorable in the mouse ears that Uncle Greg gave her for Christmas).

And there's always that killer smile, which is at the ready more often than not.....

Thursday, February 7, 2008
5 months old!
Well, Katie's 5 months old now, and she's growing and learning so much, it's hard to keep track! A few weeks ago, she found her feet and has managed to start chewing on her toes. She's also reaching out for things she wants, recognizing people beyond Mommy and Daddy, and she'll smile and giggle at just about anyone.
Current stats (measured at home): 15 pounds, 26 inches long
Our girl is finding her voice and is currently exploring the continuum of vowel sounds, squeeks and squeals. We're looking forward to consonants, and are competing to try to get "ma-ma" or "da-da" to be the first one, even though we know it's going to be quite some time for that :)
We're starting to experiment with rolling over - with a little bit of help, she's managed back-to-front and front-to-back. Tummy time is much less of a chore, and we've entered the wonderful world of the exersaucer! This was a Christmas present and is now a piece of furniture in the house - the thing had roughly 8 million pieces, and Katie's not quite sure what to do with it yet, but we can tell it's going to be a lot of fun in the coming months...
Also - if you go back in the archives to September, 2007, you can read the Daddy-eye-view of Katie's arrival....
Monday, January 21, 2008
New Tricks

Katie seems to have finally figured out the whole "tummy time" concept. This picture was taken at Great-Grandma Rosie's house. She also recently started rolling over - only from Mommy's lap so far, where it's easier to push off by kicking Mom in the stomach (the first time was quite a surprise), but she seems to enjoy the process, so we're sure she'll be rolling all by herself soon.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Four Months Old

Today was Katie's four-month birthday and the day of her checkup! Dr. Mumma declared her totally fit and progressing nicely. The current stats are:
14.7 pounds
25.25 inches long
She got the same shots as at the 2-month visit and spent the rest of the day being c-r-a-n-k-y! There were purple bruises on both legs :(
We managed a quick visit to the SEUSSICAL vocal rehearsal, but she was definitely not in the mood to hang with the big kids today (although she was certainly dressed for the occasion).
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Happy New Year!

Katie spent New Years Eve with Grandma and Grandpa Shaffer so that Mommy and Daddy could go to a party at Uncle Greg's house. Grandma said she just missed being awake when the new year changed.....