Current stats:
- height: 28 1/2 inches (80th %ile)
- weight: 18 lbs, 1 oz. (40th %ile)
- head size: 46 cm (95th %ile)
- still a "tall skinny smart kid"
This has been one heck of a month! It turned out that the "two teeth" was just one (right front bottom) but it's definitely there! When it and its neighbors (who must be rallying to make their appearances as well) are paining her, she alternates between the little frozen-gel toys (we have about 5 of them conveniently located in the freezer door) and this rattle thing that massages her gums when she bites down on it (baby's first vibrator? Eek - we try not to think about it.....ha ha!).
Earlier this month, learning how to push herself into a sitting position on her own was the big accomplishment, but the name of the game this month has been "mobility" - this kid can MOVE! She's mostly using a kind of soldier-crawl (the one they do when they're crawling through mud under ropes in training in pretty much every basic training montage that's ever been filmed) but occasionally pops all the way up on her hands & knees in a more traditional posture. She also spends a lot of time wobbling back and forth on her feet and her hands with her little fanny way up in the air. When she can get a good grip, she'll pull herself to a standing position, which has necessitated the lowering of her crib mattress and is inspiring a bit of furniture re-arranging.
Sweet Potatoes is still pretty much her favorite food, especially now that Mommy has started cooking her real ones instead of baby-food ones, but just about anything will do. Katie is the darling of any restaurant we take her to as she flirts with all the other customers and the entire wait staff while happily munching on crackers, applesauce or mashed potatoes and whatever is on Mommy or Daddy's plate that won't choke.
Speaking of Mommy and Daddy - wish them luck as they start trying to move her "party girl" sleep schedule to something a little more work-day-friendly, since Mommy got a new job and will be starting with summer school in just a week! Uncle Steve and Grandad are looking forward to having regular Katie-time, and so is Miss Beth the plan-b babysitter :) and Grandma (once she gets home from her trip). Turns out it really DOES take a village!
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