Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Two Months Old!

Katie growing like crazy! The band-aids on her legs are from her first vaccines - boy can this kid scream when she's not happy!

This picture is the third "Tigger Picture" in what will be a continuing series - our friend Sharon Rose gave us the Tigger as a gift when she heard we were expecting and told us to use it as a size-reference in pictures every month.

Her current stats:
weight: 11 pounds, 6 ounces
length: 23.5 inches

She's starting to focus on people - you can kind of see that in the picture. She definitely recognizes both Mommy and Daddy, and we're getting better at recognizing what she needs by the sound of her cry. She had her first overnight visit with Gram Waldfogle at the end of October and did just fine, even if she did eat everything we'd packed for her, PLUS a bottle of formula (gotta love those growth spurts!)
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Monday, November 5, 2007

Claimed by God

Katie's baptism happened at St. Stephen Church at 11:30 Mass. We picked the date because that was when Carolinne and Susan could get plane tickets from Arizona :)

This picture is Katie with the proud parents and even prouder Godparents, Aunt Lee Anne and Uncle Jim------------------->

Here's a picture taken during the ceremony. Grandpa Dave brought his deacon things and was the celebrant for the baptism. Fr. Stan was really excited to have a deacon since we usually don't have those at St. Stephen!

Here's Katie ready for the walk to church in her fuzzy lamb coat that Gram & Grandad Waldfogle gave her.

Katie was baptised with water that Grandpa Dave had collected from the River Jordan long before she was even an inkling of an idea. Here's a video clip of the water and oil rites - she didn't cry at all - hardly woke up!
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Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

This is the halloween outfit that Katie's Aunt Carolinne and Aunt Susan sent from Arizona. She almost outgrew it before the big day!

The weather was very mild, so we all sat on the front porch to hand out candy. One of the neighbors put his stereo speakers in the window and blasted WGUC's Beggars Night Broadcast - a whole program of mostly classical, spooky-themed music.

Much fun was had, and there was just enough candy left over to keep Mom and Dad from going to the after-holiday sales for more :)
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