Monday, November 5, 2007

Claimed by God

Katie's baptism happened at St. Stephen Church at 11:30 Mass. We picked the date because that was when Carolinne and Susan could get plane tickets from Arizona :)

This picture is Katie with the proud parents and even prouder Godparents, Aunt Lee Anne and Uncle Jim------------------->

Here's a picture taken during the ceremony. Grandpa Dave brought his deacon things and was the celebrant for the baptism. Fr. Stan was really excited to have a deacon since we usually don't have those at St. Stephen!

Here's Katie ready for the walk to church in her fuzzy lamb coat that Gram & Grandad Waldfogle gave her.

Katie was baptised with water that Grandpa Dave had collected from the River Jordan long before she was even an inkling of an idea. Here's a video clip of the water and oil rites - she didn't cry at all - hardly woke up!
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