Wednesday, May 7, 2008

8 months old!

Wow - our little girl is certainly growing fast. We had a terrible time getting her to sit or lie still for her tigger picture this month - she NEVER stops moving!

That's probably a lot of why she still weighs in at 17 pounds, even though she's eating like crazy! Over this past month, she's done some more damage to the available purees and recently started on Cheerios and spiral pasta for finger-foods.
Still no crawling, but she gets herself from point A to point B through a combination of rolling and spinning on her belly, plus some scootching that, in truth, seems a little bit more like taking advantage of accidental relocations than anything purposeful. We are VERY aware that we are in big trouble when she really figures out how to move!

As you can see in this picture, she's sitting on her own really well, with only the rare, occasional "bonk on the noggin" when she loses her balance. She's also able to stand for brief periods if we set her against the ottoman or on someone's lap with a little support. The bouncer and the exersaucer are two favorite toys, and Mommy and Daddy are glad that someone invented captions, since both of these toys are noisy!

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