Monday, December 8, 2008

Update from the doctor...

Katie's 15-month appointment was today, and she's doing great! Only two shots this time (2nd half of the flu shot and DTaP) but Katie was a lot less than happy about the appointment this time. The nurses and doctor took it all in stride, saying this was perfectly normal for her age.

Here's the current stats:
Height: 2'8" (90th percentile)
Weight: 24 lb, 12 oz. (75th percentile)
Head size: 48 cm (95th percentile)

The doctor noted that her weight is climbing up the chart a little, but since she only just started walking all the time about a week earlier, he wasn't worried at all, saying that her increased activity would more than take care of that.

And again, everyone marveled at her full head of hair, noting that it finally looks "normal" since she's getting bigger.

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