Monday, March 10, 2008

Tall, Skinny Smart Kid

Katie's 6-month checkup went very well. The doctor and all the nurses just couldn't get over her thick, long hair - we also got permission to start using conditioner on those tangles (all the articles say not to use it until 2 years old because "of course" you won't need it! LOL).

Here are the current stats on our tall, skinny smart kid!

height - 27 inches (90th percentile)
weight - 15 lbs, 11 oz (50th percentile)
head circumphrence - 44 cm (90th percentile)
weight-to-length ratio - 10th percentile

She got a bunch of shots again and is sporting Bugs Bunny bandaids on both legs. She hollered for a little while but then settled down into a 2-hour nap (between the 9am appointment and the time change she lost a good bit of beauty rest last night) and now seems to be doing pretty well.

A lot of folks have asked what she thought of the big snow Cincinnati just got - she's still too little for playing in the snow but seemed interested in the few flakes that hit her face while traveling from the house to the car - just wait until next year, though!

1 comment:

dave said...

Can't wait to see her again. She's getting so big ! See you on Easter .