Saturday, December 8, 2007

Three Months Old

Tigger's starting to look positively small next to Katie! There's no doctor appointment this month, so we don't have official stats, but by doing subtraction on the bathroom scale, we know that she's right around 13 pounds now, and the way she keeps outgrowing clothes, we know she's getting longer every day!

We recently figured out that she's sensitive to some of the proteins in cow milk, so no more dairy for Amy - these proteins pass through into breast milk and give Katie some seriously unpleasant tummy problems.

She's getting more and more alert every day, and is even starting to smile AT people. She can play a version of "peek a boo" for about 5 minutes at a time and can find her hands - she often folds them together over her chest and almost looks a little menacing as she clutches her fingers together.

She still really hates tummy-time but we keep plugging away for a few minutes each day.
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