Monday, August 27, 2007

baby bump!

Once we finally broke the news to the family, Carolinne (my sister in Arizona) asked for photo-updates of the expanding baby-bump. This is the first one we took on 5/5/2007.

The baby was VERY cooperative with our plan to keep the news to ourselves until the end of April, and Amy's belly popped out literally the day after the grandparents-to-be had been told.

We had these grand plans to take pictures regularly, but only managed three photo-sessions.

This is the second, taken on 8/2/07.

This is the third, taken on 8/27/07 - only a week or so before she was born!

Amy's belly button never popped out, which was a disappointment to Mark. At this point, she was just starting to have trouble with swollen feet, needing help to get up from the couch our out of bed, that sort of thing.
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