Wow - Katie is a half-year old today! The whole family enjoyed Katie's tigger pic photo session, especially when they started wrestling (Katie won). We have decided that Katie will be taking tigger pics for the rest of her life, although we'll probably switch to annual pictures after this September.
This has been quite an exciting time - Katie is eating a "real" meal at least once a day with either Mom or Dad doing the honors (for a while it looked like Dad's left handed technique was the only one that was going to work....). We're pretty sure she's getting ready for another growth spurt - not only do the books say to expect it, but she's eating as though JoJo the tapeworm has moved in....of course the ...ahem... results of the dietary change are interesting - just ask Daddy, who got to do the "special" diaper change today!

Meanwhile, Katie has rolled over from her back to her belly a couple of times - the first time was a surprise when no one was watching, the most recent was with a rapt audience who cheered appropriately. She will purposefully grab for things she wants, even if it means moving something else out of the way first. Her vocalizations are getting much more elaborate as she squeaks, squeals and sings - sometimes up to a half an hour at a time.
Faces seem to hold a new fascination for Katie - she'll run her hands all over your nose, cheeks and mouth while you're holding her - pretending to nibble on her fingers is a sure way to get a giggle!
Of course, we'll do just about anything for one of those giggles, including playing peek-a-boo until we want to just hide under that blanket for the rest of the night :) Speaking of nights, the sleeping-through-the-night thing seems to be firmly established, including sleeping in most mornings!